By Dan Wooding, Founder of ASSIST News Service
LANGLEY, B.C., CANADA (ANS – March 20, 2018) — This weekend, Ice Dragon: Legend of the Blue Daisies — a powerful, animated, faith-affirming, Biblical worldview children’s movie — will be released nationwide on Saturday, March 24th and Monday, March 26th — a two-day-only event. This is the first of a planned trilogy that will follow the adventures of Melody, a gifted young dreamer, and her feisty friend Leif, as they work together to save their village from a menacing dragon.
The Ice Dragon movie is the story of a fallen angel who is trapped in the form of a dragon, known as the Ice Dragon. The Dragon is banished as long as the people in the village remember the “Song” from their Creator — the “Giver” of the Song. But as time goes by, Truth fades into legend with only a few believers left. The Ice Dragon breaks free — gaining its strength from the lack of belief from the villagers. Only if the people of the Village remember the Song, will they be able to defeat the mighty dragon.
“We believe that this movie is a gift to us in ministry for our children — for such a time as this,” said Judi Vankevich, aka “Judi The Manners Lady,” a children’s entertainer and educator with a heart for evangelism for children through her Manners Club ministry. “These are serious days in our society with many ‘Ice Dragons’ attacking our families and our culture. Many people in our culture have forgotten the ‘Song.’ We have either forgotten God, or we are not ‘singing’ the Song in our culture. As parents and pastors, we need to be intentional in providing godly entertainment for our children that will both delight, and at the same time equip our children with the full armor of God for the battles they will face in life.”
Ice Dragon began as a short story written for his children by Canadian writer, director and producer, Bruce Stacey, CEO of Chelsea Road Productions. (God Rocks!™, Kingdom Adventure, Walk Off the Earth Christmas, Daughters of Eve) that he wrote twenty five years ago, while over in the former Soviet Union. Stacey noted, “I saw the bleakness of the culture — a society that had forgotten God… and the ‘Song.’ The original story sat in my drawer for more than 20 years until I was encouraged by friends at Cartoon Conrad Productions to dust it off and adapt it for the screen.”
Roy Ingbre, a grandfather who saw the movie, now wants to alert Christian leaders across the country about this unique opportunity, saying, “All pastors need to let their whole congregation know about this movie — and get all their families to the theater. This is a ready-made tool for our families. Do not miss this opportunity to inspire and equip your children to prepare to fight the ‘Ice Dragons’ in our culture. They need to sing the ‘Song’ and put on the full armor of God. This movie is an antidote to the much of the evil that our kids are learning in school. This movie will encourage our kids and their friends to stay true to the truth.”
Pastor Carl Willis, from Christian Life Assembly’s “Kids Club” Bus Ministry in Langley, B.C., is grateful for the vision and generosity of a local business man who pre-sponsored 65 inner city kids to be able to go to the movie. “We are excited about the opportunity for our kids to see the Ice Dragon movie. Kids love to go to the movies and they think it’s really cool to see a faith-affirming movie in a ‘real’ movie theatre,” he said. “We pray that God will use the powerful message of this film to remind our kids and their parents to ‘remember the Song’ and the ‘Giver’ of the Song, and to ‘live in the light’ as we battle the ‘Ice Dragons’ of our culture.”
Watch the Ice Dragon trailer at icedragonmovie.com and download the Media Kit and family resources and Activity Book as well as a Behind the Scenes video of Ice Dragon: (Password: BTSDRAGON18). There is also an outstanding ministry promotional package.
Immediately following the movie, “The After Party Chill” will air on the big screen where the audiences will also enjoy an original live-action short film featuring children’s reactions to important themes raised in the feature content, as well as an exclusive music video.
“Judi The Manners Lady” added, “Pray that this movie will inspire thousands — no, millions, of children to want to know their Creator — the ‘Giver’ of the ‘Song.’ And that they will know that they are loved by God and that He wants to protect them in the battle of life and the Sword of the Spirit will help them slay the dragons of life.”
Fathom Events, Chelsea Road Productions and Tricord Media present “Ice Dragon: Legend of the Blue Daisies” in movie theaters nationwide on Saturday, March 24 at 12:55 p.m. and Monday, March 26 at 6:30 p.m. (all local times). Tickets can be pre-ordered at http://www.icedragonmovie.com/tickets or by calling Cineplex Group Sales at 1-800-313-4461 or groupsales@cineplex.com
What young people are saying:
“The movie made me feel good all over!” Cassandra, age 8
“It made me happy and want to sing the Song.” Karma, age 9
“I want to defeat the Ice Dragon.” Jesse, age 10
What older people are saying:
“This movie is a gift to us as parents and children’s workers. All we need to do is get our children to the theater! Thank you for this movie. Every child needs to see this movie, to help prepare them for the battles ahead in their life. How dare we send our children into “battle” to face the “Dragon” unprotected without the Song… without the full armor of God… without hope.” S. Fulton, Parent
Movieguide® Magazine, a publication of the Christian Film & Television Commission, said: “Ice Dragon has a very strong allegorical Christian, biblical, moral worldview portraying the Sword of the Spirit, the fight between angels and demons, the power of faith, glorifying God as the Creator, God’s protection over His people, sharing your faith with others, not having an earthly focus, and Christ’s ultimate triumph, with a promotion of self-sacrifice, sharing, family love, and good triumphing over evil.
Karl Bastian, founder of Kidology added, “Imagine, Frozen, Lord of the Rings and Narnia blended into a wonderful children’s story that is a beautiful parable of the Biblical importance of not forgetting ancient Truth. It has adventure, catchy music and a powerful message for all ages. From the creator of God Rocks comes this delightful story that was written by the creator, Bruce Stacey, decades ago for his own children and has now been brought to life in a spectacular animated film.
“As children’s ministry leaders — we need to both celebrate and support creative efforts like this to engage our culture and share the Good News! Instead of just lamenting the drivel and morally deprived content that is being pushed on our kids constantly, get out and show your support for this incredible film! Not only will it appeal to both boys and girls, but the message will engage adults and provide a launch pad for some spiritual conversation.”
Lorna Dueck, CEO at Crossroads Global Media Group says, It’s an amazing tale, with great original songs full of faith, hope and love.
David Wells, Superintendent of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, noted, “This movie is a great opportunity to share the good news, especially for families. We are grateful to Bruce Stacey for his commitment to creatively share the ‘Good News.’”
The Christian Film Review: https://www.thechristianfilmreview.com/ice-dragon-legend-of-the-blue-daisies/ice-dragon-legend-of-the-blue-daisies-review/
For more info please go to: CHELSEA ROAD Productions, Elaine Stacey cell 289.828.225, info@icedragonmovie.com and the movie website is: http://icedragonmovie.com/
About Chelsea Road Productions
Chelsea Road Productions is an award-winning, Canadian-based production company that has produced internationally released broadcast series, animated films, and state-of-the-art media exhibits at five World Exhibitions. A commitment to producing family-friendly entertainment and telling stories that uplift and inspire, continues to be the passion and mission of the company, established in 1990. For more information, visit www.chelsearoad.com.
About “Judi The Manners Lady”
Judi Vankevich, aka “Judi The Manners Lady,” is one of North America’s leading children’s entertainers for both public and Christian schools as well as for church and community groups. Her exciting music and powerful message of kindness, character, civility and citizenship makes God’s message of love, kindness and a biblical worldview come alive for kids. Her Manners Club Character Kit and her book, “Manners Matter & Character Counts” are valuable tools for schools, churches and homeschool families around the world. Her “Manners Lady Kindness Concerts” are a fun and entertaining way for pastors and parents to help their children learn the foundational principles of a successful and meaningful life.
Judi’s award-winning CD, “It’s Fun to Have Good Manners!” (https://store.cdbaby.com/cd/mannerslady), is currently being translated into Spanish and French). Her upcoming book, The Bad Manners Monsters and the Kindness Keys, will be available soon. Bookings are now open for Judi The Manners Lady’s Summer and Fall 2018 tours. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9prLbM7yALo. For info call 604.530.4346 or text 778 385 3845
Photo captions: 1) Poster for the movie. 2) CLA Kids Club leaders with Bruce Stacey, Creator of Ice Dragon. 3) Judi with Zach, one of her well-mannered characters. 4) Judi, the Manner’s Lady with the Ice Dragon kids. 5) Norma and Dan Wooding on a reporting assignment together at a Movieguide® Awards Gala in Hollywood. (She takes the pictures and he writes the words.)
About the writer: Dan Wooding, 77, is an award-winning author, broadcaster and journalist who was born in Nigeria of British missionary parents and is now living in Southern California with his wife Norma, to whom he has been married for nearly 55 years. They have two sons, Andrew and Peter, and six grandchildren, who all live in the UK. He has authored numerous books and has reported for ANS from all over the world, including North Korea and more recently, Iraq.
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