Do You Believe Miracles Still Happen Today?


miraclesYes, miracles still happen today!

“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible”—Matthew 19:26 (NIV).

Watching my four-year-old dog trying to move his back legs so he could stand, I was heartbroken. He couldn’t even wag his tail. I was beside myself, fearing he’d end up having to be euthanized. I didn’t think I could handle losing another dog after losing my 15-year-old Chiweenie to cancer in 2015.

I made a veterinarian appointment for Harley. As the vet examined him, she didn’t offer much hope. Since Harley is part dachshund (just like my other Chiweenie), he has inherited the breed’s tendency to have back problems. Harley is active, loving to run, play with other dogs, and jumps up on the furniture—with my permission. He also has to travel stairs to go up and down the deck overlooking my backyard.

After the vet took x-rays, she showed me the problem and prescribed medications and confinement to a crate. Although I was dismayed at the possible outcome—permanent paralysis—I still had hope. When I told the vet I was going to be praying for a miracle, she said, “It will take one.”

Praying for a Miracle

Returning home, I posted on social media and texted others, asking friends to pray for a miracle. That night, I couldn’t sleep. Several times, I woke up, climbed out of bed and kneeled.  My prayers were simple. God knows before we even pray what’s on our minds and hearts.

I prayed, “God, you know the joy Harley brings to my life. Please give him a miracle healing.”

Each time I prayed for Harley, peace enveloped me. It was as if God were wrapping His loving arms around me, reassuring me of His presence.

A Miracle for Harley

While I continued to lift up prayers to our Abba Father, Harley didn’t receive instantaneous healing we read about in scripture. My friends also continued to pray and check in almost daily to see how Harley was doing.

Within five days, Harley began to wag his tail. Then, even though his legs were shaky, he was able to stand. I still had to carry him outside to use the restroom. Each time, he could stand longer without wobbling. My hope soared.

When we returned for a follow-up appointment, the vet was amazed at his progress. I told her about asking others to pray for a miracle. She replied, “It is a miracle. This boy is going to be okay.”

Miracles Still Happen Today

At this time, Harley is still improving. He can walk without assistance and I’m challenged by his return of energy. He still needs to be restrained from jumping and running.

We may discount miracle healings, but they still happen today. Not only is Harley’s healing a miracle, but I’ve also experienced my own physical healings, including one when I was 17-years-old and doctors couldn’t determine the source of my illness. After prayers from others, including a well-known evangelist, I began to recover from a ruptured appendix.

What happens when we pray for a miracle and God doesn’t answer? Do we quit praying? I hope not.

When We Don’t Get a Miracle

I’ve prayed for miracles for loved ones who were battling cancer and other serious illnesses. When they lost their battle, I didn’t quit believing in a God who miraculously heals some while choosing not to heal others for His divine purposes.

The Reverend Billy Graham had this to say about miracles: “God is not limited, and He is certainly able to work in miraculous ways today just as He did in biblical times, if He so chooses. If He didn’t, why would we bother to pray when a loved one falls ill or God’s work is opposed by evil forces?”

Remember the Apostle Paul? No one would accuse him of having weak faith, yet God refused to heal him after he asked three times. In God’s wisdom, He knows who and what to heal and what is best for the believer in choosing not to heal someone. And sometimes, His answer is no because He has a higher purpose in mind. I won’t stop praying for miracles. What about you?

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