Global survey reveals 415 Million Christians in Asia


The Center for the Study of Global Christianity recently reported that Asia has one of the fastest growing Christian

(Photo: ICC)

populations, with more than 415 million Christians now living in Asia.

Christianity in Asia has grown at a rate of 2.11 percent since 2020. This is very encouraging despite the increasing hardships and persecution Christians face across Asia.

Other key trends include:

  • 734 million Christians live in Africa, growing at a rate of over 2.6%
  • Globally, atheism has slightly declined. In 2020, there were 147 million professing atheists. This decreased to 146 million by 2024.
  • Evangelical and Pentecostal denominations are the fastest growing groups in Christianity. It is projected that by 2050, there will be over 1 billion Pentecostal believers around the world.
  • 420,000 missionaries were sent out to different countries in 2020. This is expected to increase to 445,000 in 2024.
  • It’s estimated about 28% of the global population does not have access to the gospel in 2024. This is a major decline from over 54% of the world not having access to the gospel in 1900.
  • American Christians are projected to give $1.3 trillion USD to Christian causes in 2024. — International Christian Concern