Houston, TX (ANS) – It was encouraging to receive an email from a longtime friend of more than 30 years. He shared about some of his witness and ministry encounters. This friend has seen much fruit from the work of God through his family, business and relational networks. I am often amazed and surprised when I hear stories of the work of God, and how the seed of His Word is producing fruit. It is especially encouraging to know it is having a reproducing and multiplying impact for the Kingdom of God.
A Time for Hearing and Sharing the Work of God
The holiday season is an excellent time to reconnect with family and friends, and hear of the work of God in their lives. It is also a great opportunity to share how God is at work in our own lives. When we sow the seed of God’s Word, and bear testimony of His grace and blessing, we can expect the Holy Spirit will honor and reproduce it. Those shopping trips can also connect us with people who need the Lord, or could use a Word of encouragement.

Be a Good News Reporter
I like to think of myself as a Good News Reporter. With so much negative news these days, and so many crises taking place around the world, people are often open to hear a good report. Simply asking, “Would you like to hear a bit of Good News?” is sometimes all it takes to open a spiritual conversation. Other ways of sowing God’s Word would be to say something like, “You might be interested to know ….” (then share a bit of your story, testimony or something good happening in your life or the lives of others).
Power of Sharing Your Story, and God’s Story
A friend use to say that his testimony was so unspectacular that he just shared other people’s testimonies. That’s one way of making known the righteous acts of God. that we read about in Psalm 105 and other places in Scripture. Many times people are amazed and surprised at how God works when we step out in faith and tell our stories and God’s Story. It can start with a simple greeting, a comment, a complement or a question. When we are alert and intentional, those encounters can become spiritual conversations and seed sowing opportunities.

Experiencing the Living Water, that Satisfies the Deepest Thirst
A volunteer with Living Water International told the story of “The Woman at the Well” at a water project in a Central American country. Afterwards, he asked and discussed a series of questions:
* Do you think this woman’s life was different after her encounter with Jesus?
* Why did the woman leave her water pot to go and tell about Jesus the Messiah?
* What did Jesus mean by Living Water?
* Do you think this woman experienced the Living Water that Jesus was talking about?
* Does Jesus still give that Living Water today? * Have you received that Living Water? * Would you like to receive the Living Water of Jesus now?

To make a long story shorter, five workers at that water project responded to the Good News of Jesus and continued to tell that story in their community. Word came later that several families came to the Lord through hearing and responding to that one story. It’s a great example of the reproducing and multiplying impact of God’s Word, and the work of the Spirit through His people.
On Mission with God
We should never minimize the power of reading or hearing the Word of God. Hearing the stories of the Work of God should also inspire us to continue to share His Word at every opportunity. When we are alert to being “On Mission with God” we can more easily recognize those divine appointments.

Being Fruitful and Multiplying
My prayer for Assist News Service and all of its readers, is that we may all be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, so that we may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him, bearing fruit in every good work and growing in the knowledge of God. (See Colossians 1:9-10) Our prayer is that 2020 will be your most fruitful year in every way.
For more information about Orality resources, training opportunities, and other conferences and events, visit – www.orality.net or www.water.cc/orality.