Britain, US unite against rise in Christian Persecution


WASHINGTON D.C. (ANS) – Britain and the United States are united in decrying the rise in Christian persecution.

British Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Jeremy Hunt has joined with the United States in highlighting and decrying the rise of Christian persecution, according to the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB).

NRB Logo

On Thursday, the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) hosted a call with the Honorable Sam Brownback, U.S. Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom to focus on the rise of Christian perscution around the world.

NRB invited association members to hear personally from the Ambassador on the ways this administration is championing religious liberty both at home and abroad.

According to a newly-released report commissioned by Hunt, “persecution on grounds of religious faith is a global phenomenon that is growing in scale and intensity.

“Reports including that of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on ‘Freedom of Religion and Belief’ suggest that religious persecution is on the rise, and it is an ever-growing threat to societies around the world.”

Ambassador Sam Brownback

The Ambassador will be traveling to Sri Lanka shortly to work with the government there to shore up protections for religious minorities, particularly in light of the massacre of Christians on Easter Sunday in that country.

NRB Board Chairman Janet Parshall, who hosted the call for NRB, noted, “Working with the U.S. State Department on an issue that is central to the mission of NRB is both encouraging and convicting.

“The Gospel message, delivered over our various platforms to countries around the world, results in not only changed hearts but changed lives. But that very change can often result in outright persecution, imprisonment, or death. It is imperative that our communicators continue to plead for the Persecuted Church and use our platforms to tell their stories.”

“We are most grateful to be working with Ambassador Brownback to do just that,” Parshall said.