Timing, common ground, and fruitfulness in witness

By Jerry Wiles -- After more than a decade of cultivating a relationship with one of our neighbors, I finally got around to having a...

New Survey Provides Insight into Mental Health of Pastors

BELLINGHAM, WA (ANS) -- More than 1 in 10 pastors admitted to contemplating suicide in the past year according to the 2021 Pastoral Mental...

Pastor arrested by electric company for complaining about rates

More people fled Cuba in 2022 than ever before in the country’s 64-year history as a communist regime. According to U.S. government data, 250,000...

There’s Hope for the Brokenhearted

“The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit”—Psalm 34:18 (ESV). For more than five months, one of our church members...

‘Till’ movie: Racial murder helped spark civil rights movement

White racists brutally murdered young Emmett Till in 1955 Mississippi. His death, and his mother Mamie's reaction to it, helped spark the civil rights movement. MGM's 'Till' tells their compelling story. What gave this grieving mother strength to pursue social change?

‘Jesus Revolution’ movie: ’60s turmoil, radical responses

"Is God Dead?" a 1966 Time magazine cover asked. A 1971 Time cover heralded "The Jesus Revolution." What caused this cultural shift in the radical 1960s that still impacts us today? Kelsey Grammer stars in a new film that tells part of the story: how a hippie, a drugged-out teenager and a straight-laced California pastor linked up to bring hope to millions.

Christian Faith Gave Winston Marshall Courage to Leave Mumford & Sons

LONDON, UK (ANS) -- In an interview with former New York Times opinion columnist, Bari Weiss, guitarist Winston Marshall revealed that his Christian faith...

The Power of Curiosity

By Jerry Wiles -- “Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning,” so said William Arthur Ward, one of America’s most quoted writers.  Albert...

God is Rich in Mercy

“As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches,...

Colorado football coach Sanders’ unabashed faith

By Steve Rees  Deion "Coach Prime" Sanders, now at the helm of the University of Colorado Buffaloes football team in Boulder, is a man of...