Eastern Ukraine (ANS) – During a visit earlier this year, I saw the remarkable ministry of one of the bravest missionaries I’ve ever met. Sasha Andriyashina boldly serves as a volunteer chaplain to soldiers on the frontlines, as well as helping vulnerable families impacted by the conflict. Her goal is to always share the love of Christ.
See Her Video Here
In the small town of Avdeevka, in Eastern Ukraine, it is common to hear bombs exploding or nearby gunfire. Sasha is a volunteer chaplain with the Ukrainian army and as a missionary, she is sent out by Calvary Chapel Kyiv. Now in her 5th year on the frontlines, she is used to the explosions.
Sasha shares from near the front
“I often meet soldiers in town and I give them my card that has a prayer, my phone number, and some words of encouragement. I try to get to know them, where they’re from and how long they’ve been in the army. Sometimes I ask them straight forward questions like do you consider yourself a child of God or have you seen God help you in your service?
“There is a saying among the military here, ‘there are no atheists at the front line.’ Because of fear and nearness of death, they are searching for God. I really find great opportunities to share the love of Jesus with them.
“I believe the many years I spent talking with people in the Chernobyl zone helped prepare me for the trauma these guys experience. First of all, you must be able to listen as they deal with issues with their families and with fear. They suffer panic attacks and PTSD. I share with them and pray for them to know that as they protect their country, God protects them.”
Read the full story at MercyProjects.org.