Dr. Norman Geisler Receives His Reward: 1932-2019

Dr. Norman Geisler

ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO (ANS)–With an email coming from Veritas International University’s President, Dr. Joseph Holden, sad news was communicated:

“Dear friends and family of Norm Geisler, our great general, eminent professor, brother and friend passed away peacefully this morning. He has left behind an amazing legacy that will continue to have a ripple effect for many years to come.”

With a few short words, the passing of Dr. Norman Geisler was expressed. Though much more could be said and written, greater attention will be given at a future date.  But know this: Dr. Geisler’s legacy looms large, an incalculable impact for the cause of Christ.  His witness and wisdom will be missed, but his words live on through his works. Geisler now sees what he eagerly anticipated: the the beatific vision (Latin: visio beatifica),  the ultimate  self-communication of God to the individual person, a face-to-face encounter with Christ whom he served.

Updates will be also be posted at http://normangeisler.com/ and https://www.facebook.com/dr.normangeisler