Great Commission Disciples Zoom in During the Pandemic


Albuquerque, NM (ANS) – The computer screen was full of people’s faces.  Over 25 countries were represented.  Men, women, black, brown, and every ethnicity possible.  Actually, it looked like a glimpse of Heaven.  Nathaniel Herbst, founder, and director of the Great Commission Alliance travels the world to teach and train disciples how to make disciples.   He calls it a Strategy for an Exponential Harvest.  His passion and love for people, however, is what drives his desire to share his faith.

“Right now there are more than 150 participants registered for our 8-month course (but many groups of 2 to 15 login).  They come from countries in Africa, Asia, and Europe including Bhutan, Burundi, Cameroon, Colombia, Côte d’Ivoire, DR of the Congo, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, India, Martinique, Namibia, Pakistan, Romania, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, UAE, and the USA. It is pretty amazing!” Nathaniel said.

“Right now we’re going through the fundamental parts of the Exponential Harvest ministry strategy (from Mark 4), then we’ll spend the next 7+ months unpacking these principles one by one. You can see the free 25-minute Exponential Harvest intro video  here and we would love to meet you and train you!”

We are convinced that the Great Commission can be completed in our lifetime

The One Year Discipleship Tool Now Available

Urgent Ministry Prayer Need
GCA partner pastor Thomas Kato is leaving soon for Southern Uganda.  He will train leaders near the border with Rwanda in the Exponential Harvest strategy.  He has translated our One Year Discipleship Tool (see it here) into the local languages in that area. Pray that many will come to Christ and that many believers will learn how to share their faith and do biblical discipleship.

Click the link to learn more about the Great Commission Alliance.
Although the date and timing of the Great Commission’s completion is something that rests in God’s hands alone, we are convinced that the command Jesus gave His followers, to make disciples of all ethnic groups (Matt. 28:18-20), should be actively pursued with the goal, intention, and commitment of completion.