Game Changer: The Harvest Handbook of Bible Lands

The Harvest Handbook of Bible Lands

ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO (ANS)—After browsing through Harvest House’s new book on Bible lands, history, and archeology, I knew I was holding a game-changing work.  With updated information, maps, and a slew of researched material, The Harvest Handbook of Bible Land is a marvelous addition to Biblical scholarship and exploration.  I reached out to contributing writer, Dr. Gary Byers, for insight on the book.  Here’s what Dr. Byers’ wrote:

The Harvest Handbook of Bible Lands 

 “New archaeological discoveries often fly in the face of traditional views of Biblical interpretation. The Harvest Handbook of Bible Lands is a new publication full of just such recent research. General editors Drs. Steven Collins (director of the Tall el-Hammam Excavation Project in Jordan and Director of the School of Archeology at Veritas International University) and Joseph Holden (President and Professor of Theology and Apologetics of Veritas International University) along with fourteen other evangelical scholars have created a 400-page text with 267 full-color photos, drawings and charts, 47 original full-color maps and 106 ‘Breakouts’ (by the contributing scholars). In an 8’x10’ hardback format, this volume is appealing to both the eye and the mind. And, at a suggested retail price of $39.99, it’s also appealing to the wallet.

Dr. Steven Collins, Veritas International University


 “Organized in a very reader-friendly and chronological manner, the first nine chapters are ‘A Survey of the World of the Bible’ by Biblical period (Introduction to the Biblical World; World of the Genesis Patriarchs; World of Moses and Joshua; World of the Israelite Judges; World of David and Solomon; World of Israel and Judah; World of the Exile and Return; World Between the Old and New Testaments; World of the New Testament). For each Biblical period the following topics are discussed and illustrated: Geography; Chronology; History; Peoples and Kingdoms; Societies and Cultures; Languages and Writing; Beliefs and Religions; Architecture and Infrastructure; Weapons and Warfare; and Industries and Objects.

What Archaeology Has Revealed to Us

Dr. Gary Byers, Trinity Southwest University

“The final two chapters address ‘What Archaeology Has Revealed to Us,’ with one chapter being an honest and important assessment of the realities of the relationship between ‘Archaeology and the Bible.’ The final chapter presents forty-six recent ‘Archaeological Discoveries Supporting the Authenticity of the Bible,’ with each noting the survey chapter to which it belonged.

Marvelous Maps

“After the Bibliography of each Chapter’s Sources and Indices for the volume’s Maps, Figures and ‘Breakouts,’ a full-color fold-out timeline tracing Biblical events and suggested dates for composition of every Biblical book is presented with associated ancient Near Eastern history – complete with historical events in Egypt, Mesopotamia and the Levant.

Tool For Pastors, Teachers, and Lay People

Dr. Joseph Holden, Veritas International University

“The Harvest Handbook of Bible Lands is a great tool for all pastors and Bible teachers as well as interested lay people. It should be required reading for every undergraduate and graduate student of the Bible and the library of any institution where the Bible is taught should have at least one copy of this book on its shelves.”

For more information on this incredible, game-changing work, go to: