Humor while hunkering down: COVID-era chuckles

Gator distance.
Leon County, FL.

ORLANDO, FL (ANS)  The coronavirus tragedy is, of course, not at all funny.  But coping with daily life during it has bred some lighthearted fun as we all adjust to new ways of living and working…and seek comic relief to ease the tension.  Some humor to help lighten your load…

(Unattributed items below are Internet memes.)

Are you kidding me?

“Can we uninstall 2020 and install it again?  This version has a virus.”

“Does anyone know if we can take showers yet, or should we just keep washing our hands??”

“My mom always told me I wouldn’t amount to anything lying on the sofa…and yet here I am, saving the world.” (Courtesy my sister Deborah.)

“I’ve eaten 14 meals and taken 6 naps and it’s still today. Are you kidding me?”

Silverton, Colorado signs.
Courtesy John Wright.

Animal wisdom

In my home state of Florida, Leon County used a social media image to illustrate that proper coronavirus-era physical distancing is one alligator length.

“Sitting on the couch and my husband sweetly whispered…’The best part about all of this is that I get to spend more time with you.’  As I looked over at him lovingly, I realized he was talking to the dog, not me.”

“Day 7 at home and the dog is looking at me like, ‘See?  This is why I chew the furniture.'”

” #Coronavirus has turned us all into dogs.  We roam the house all day looking for food.  We’re told ‘no’ if we get too close to strangers.  And we get really excited about car rides.”

Home sweet office

Malaysia’s Ministry for Women, Family and Community Development advised women not to nag their husbands, to refrain from sarcasm, and to dress up and use makeup when working from home.  A torrent of ridicule torpedoed the campaign.

Tired of boring virtual office meetings where your boss wants to see everyone’s face?  Wish you could play hooky? teaches you how to pre-record a looping video with yourself in the picture and feed it to Zoom to run during the event so you can skip the meeting.  PCWorld’s coaching:

“Keep looking at the camera. Blink your eyes, and slightly tilt or nod your head from time to time, to signal that you are indeed paying attention. …Don’t make any sudden moves, or strong expressions of excitement or agreement, that might cause your boss to notice you and ask for your opinion.”

Services cancelled.

Other goodies

My brother John tells me that while a “Welcome to Silverton – Thank you for visiting” banner spanned the main street in Silverton, Colorado, approaching drivers also were welcomed by this sign: “Local Traffic Only.”

New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern declared the Easter bunny and the tooth fairy “essential workers” during the pandemic, seeking to soothe the nation’s restless children:  “As you can imagine, at this time, of course, they are going to be particularly quite busy at home with their family as well and their own bunnies.”

Not to be outdone, Florida governor Ron DeSantis designated World Wrestling Entertainment an “essential service” in the state, allowing WWE to resume live televised wrestling matches, sans live audiences.  You can’t make this stuff up, folks.  And how will the wrestlers practice social distancing?

Even churches are mining mirth, as evidenced by their outdoor signs.  One reads, “A time for war. A time for peace. A time to stay at home.”  Another: “Shout Hosanna! But first, step back 6 ft.”  “Wash yourselves and be clean!” displays one, citing the Bible’s Isaiah 1:16.  “Services cancelled.  God making house calls,” reads my fave.

“Cleanse your hands,” advises another sign, citing James 4:8, a verse that also includes the promise, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”   Hmmm.  If God’s making house calls, this might be a good time to invite him in.

Stay safe.  And don’t forget to laugh.  And pray.

Copyright © 2020 Rusty Wright

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