“I love Jesus, but I am alone …”


CARY, NC (ANS) — “I love Jesus, but I am alone …”

Those distressing words came from a Trans World Radio listener who lives in a Middle Eastern country we cannot name. Christians there are routinely harassed, ostracized and persecuted for their faith. And many of them, like this believer, feel isolated.

Listeners in the Middle East find help through TWR programs

Another listener in the Middle East told an even more heartrending story: “I used to work for the government in my country, but when they discovered my [Christian] faith, I was put in prison and stayed there for five years.

“When I got out of prison, my family didn’t take me in, and I felt so lonely and sad.”

TWR (also known as Trans World Radio) says they often receive stories like this from listeners in the Middle East. Many of them live in hostile environments far from Christian fellowship.

“You can imagine their joy when they discover TWR’s Hope for the Middle East broadcasts,” TWR said in a recent ministry update.

“Suddenly, they realize they are not alone.”

The ministry says that when listeners tune into TWR, they discover a wealth of Bible-based teachings and other Christian resources. They receive godly encouragement and comfort in the privacy of their homes, safe from their oppressors.

To keep these vital programs going out to the Middle East, TWR said the ministry needs to quickly raise $106,000.

But there’s good news. A generous donor has given $50,000 and is challenging ministry supporters to also give as graciously as they can.

Here are some of the hope-filled programs sponsors will be helping to produce and broadcast:

**    The Way Companion. This program offers wisdom and direction for young men, encouraging them to embrace the Christian way of love rather than violence and extremism.

**    Healing Touches. Women are often abused and degraded in Middle East societies. This program offers healing for their deep, hidden hurts.

**   How Are You? In this helpful and supportive program, women find encouragement as they care for their families.

**   Take Care. Oral communication is highly valued in Middle Eastern culture. This program provides sound biblical teaching in an accessible audio format that speaks to the hearts of listeners.

TWR says that while these programs strengthen the faith of believers, they can also open the eyes of those who haven’t yet found Jesus.

As one listener shared: “I’m 26 years old from Tunisia and found Jesus through your broadcast. Thank you for helping me move from the darkness to the light of the Savior!”

People in the Middle East are turning to Christ in huge numbers. And TWR broadcasts play an important role in this historic development.

Timely gifts will double in impact to keep Bible-based radio programs going into the Middle East, providing a spiritual lifeline for persecuted Christians in one of the world’s most troubled regions.