Jesus Well Quenches Family’s Strife


WILLS POINT, TEXAS (ANS) — Clean water provided to a village in crisis by Gospel for Asia-supported field workers helped one family come to Jesus – “the Living Water.”

The Jesus Well, installed in Sukumar and Vatsala’s village, provides constant clean water for more than 25 families.

This Jesus Well provides water for 25 families.

Vatsala, 24, fervently prayed for her husband’s anger to subside. There never seemed to be any peace in her young family. Always on edge, Vatsala constantly waited for Sukumar’s next outburst.

Her husband’s verbal abuse heaped shame on her head. Vatsala used to fight back. Husband and wife would yell through the house, tearing away any harmony in the family. Their two young sons, 2 years and 7 months old, knew strife at early ages.

Adding to her stress was the constant worry of finding enough water for the day. Her village suffered from water scarcity.

Vatsala struggled to cook and clean with the limited water available.

Wife Meets the Prince of Peace

One day, Vatsala met GFA-supported pastor Aahva. He shared the Good News, and Vatsala invited the pastor to come back and tell her more about the Prince of Peace. Vatsala began praying and attending worship services, and eventually, she stopped fighting with her husband. She was filled with peace as she found new hope in the Lord.

After Vatsala shared her family’s struggles with Pastor Aahva, he began counseling the young couple. He prayed for Sukumar’s anger to subside and that he would experience the same peace as his wife.

Abundant Water Leads to Living Water

Clean water provided to village in crisis by Gospel for Asia-supported field workers.

Sukumar and Vatsala used to fight endlessly before meeting Pastor Aahva, who arranged for a Jesus Well to be installed in their village. This well alleviated stress caused by the water crisis and opened Sukumar’s heart to the love of God.

Pastor Aahva knew the lack of healthy water was a strain, not only for Sukumar and Vatsala, but also for all the families of the village. The pastor desperately wanted to help them. In addition to prayer and encouragement, Pastor Aahva arranged for a Jesus Well to be installed in the village.

When the Jesus Well was finished, more than 25 families started drawing water every day from the bright pink well. Sukumar and Vatsala, with their two young sons, used the fresh, clean water for cooking, cleaning and bathing.

Seeing that God cares for their everyday needs, Sukumar wanted to know more about the love and compassion of Jesus. He became more attentive to Pastor Aahva, eager for the words of wisdom the man of God shared. Three months after the Jesus Well was drilled, Sukumar began a relationship with the Living Water—Jesus.

Because of the demonstration of God’s love through the Jesus Well, Sukumar is now faithfully attending worship services with his wife and young sons. In their home, hostility has been replaced with peace.

Read how a woman contemplating suicide finally found peace.

*Names of people and places may have been changed for privacy and security reasons. Images are GFA stock photos used for representation purposes and are not the actual person/location, unless otherwise noted.