American Pastor to preach to church in Pakistan on Saturday

Arvada, Colorado (ANS)- Pastor Rick Long of Grace Church, Arvada, Colorado has been invited by Barkat TV, a Pakistani TV channel to preach the word of God on Saturday, the 19th of September.

Pastor Rick will preach to church in Pakistan on Saturday, the 19th of September at 8:00 am U.S. time and 7:00 pm Pakistan time.

Barkat TV was set up by Pastor John Salik Barkat. The TV since its inception has been reaching out to believers across Pakistan through its TV and its social media platforms

Pastor Inayat, a senior pastor, who works for Barkat TV said that it was a privilege for the Barkat TV to broadcast Pastor Rick’s message to church in Pakistan. “Pastor Salik is committed to preaching the word of God. He set up Barkat TV so that the message of salvation could reach to million in Pakistan.

Pastor Rick said he was grateful to Barkat TV for the opportunity to preach the word of God to church in Pakistan.

The congregants of Pastor Rick’s Grace church https://www.facebook.com/GraceChurchCo/ have said in their messages to Pastor Rick on social media that they are looking forward to seeing him preach to church in Pakistan.

“I am humbled to have been given the opportunity to preach the Word of God to Church in Pakistan live on Barkat TV via zoom”, said Pastor Rick.

Pastor Rick’s message will be shared by Jesus Life TV Pakistan. Worshipper Roma Carolyn will also share Pastor Rick’s message on her Facebook page.

“Please pray for the gospel to penetrate the heart of millions. Pray for me and for Pakistan people around the world. I’m very grateful to have this opportunity to preach to so many. Thank you to my brothers and sisters in Pakistan and to all of my brothers and sisters here at Grace. Pray for a major revival”, pastor Rick Long wrote on Facebook of the Saturday evangelism event.

Pastor Rick of Grace Church, Arvada, Colorado

Aamir Haroon, president of UK based Voice of Persecuted Christians, who organized this event said: “ God has laid on pastor Rick a burden to reach people for Jesus around the world. I am thrilled to hear Pastor Rick give a message of God to church in Pakistan on Saturday”.

Mr Haroon stated that he has been watching Barkat TV for many years. “Every Thursday Barkat TV holds an evangelistic and healing meeting which helps believers receive God’s blessings”, he said. “I appreciate Pastor Salik John Barkat for having set up the TV station as since its inceptions millions in Pakistan have got to know Jesus through Barkat TV”.

Welcoming Pastor Rick’s message to church in Pakistan worshipper Carolyn Roma said: “ I urge my Facebook followers to watch Pastor Rick’s message on Facebook page. I am sure Pastor Rick’s message will be a source of immense blessings to millions in Pakistan”.

Maqbool Sadiq Khokhar, Chief Executive of Jesus Life TV said that his TV will broadcast Pastor Rick Long’s message.

“ I am glad that Jesus’s light will shine in Pakistan through Pastor Rick”, he said.