ANS Celebrates That Asia Bibi Is Now Free


Murrieta, CA (ANS) – Good news! Asia Bibi in Pakistan is not only free, released from prison, but safely out of the country. This is a reason for celebration.  Pakistan seldom if ever releases someone charged with blasphemy.  Asia Bibi living in freedom is an answer to prayer.  As long as she remained in Pakistan her life was in danger. Today, however, after 10 years of imprisonment on false charges, she has escaped to Canada.

Please join us at Assist News and friends around the world to rejoice for Asia, but pray for her new life adjustment. She must remain in hiding for her safety. After so many years in prison, she is facing a new country, a new language and a new life. Thank you, Lord, for this good news!  But please continue to lift her up in prayer.

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Assist News Service Exists to Serve the Persecuted Church

British Christian journalist Dan Wooding, the founder of ANS,  became a champion for the persecuted church and has traveled the world to document their cause and share their plight. Today Dan with his wife Norma have returned to the UK to be near their children. Dan continues, however, to contribute to ANS. Dan and Jeff Thompson, founder of Mercy Projects, have known each other many years and cooperate today to publicize the cause of the persecuted church through Assist News.

Assist News Service Now Part of Mercy Projects

Dan is no longer able to run the news service due to health issues, however, Mercy Projects volunteers to keep this important ministry thriving. Dan and Norma have been faithful to God’s call to share the stories of Christians working around the world for decades. Please help us keep that faithful commitment by supporting Assist News service today. The ANS team serve as media missionaries and we appreciate your support.  ANS provides the stories that others do not publicize. Please help today!

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