Jerry Jenkins Supports Persecuted Believers

Jerry B. Jenkins
Jerry B. Jenkins, co-author of the Left Behind series

BLACK FOREST, CO (ANS) – Jerry Jenkins is, without doubt, the world’s most prolific Christian author. Based in Black Forest, Colorado, he has written more than 186 books, including many biographies and novels, with sales of over 70 million copies, the most famous of which were the phenomenal best-selling “Left Behind” series, co-authored with the late Tim LaHaye.

But Jerry Jenkins is also an avid reader of the ASSIST News Service and has come forward to urge readers to not get “Left Behind,” in supporting ANS.
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Jerry Jenkins Urges Support For ANS

“In this age of information glut, when I get as much of my news online as on television and in print, I want to be brought up to the minute fast by dispassionate journalists I can trust. I don’t want to be condescended to by writers who assume my political or even theological bent merely because I identify as a Christian.

That’s why I turn to ASSIST News Service every day to be kept abreast of the church around the globe by some of the most seasoned writers in the world. They don’t allow even a hint of denominational bias to taint their reportage on the persecuted church.

I heartily recommend this stellar international Christian news service to anyone who spends even an hour a day online. I’d consider myself wholly uninformed without ANS.”

Believers Continue to Suffer in Pakistan, India, North Korea, Nigeria, Iran

Jerry Jenkins prays for Asia Bibi
Asia Bibi is now free in Europe

Our sister Asia Bibi in Pakistan was recently released and successfully brought out of Pakistan.  These stories simply are not possible without the Body of Christ around the world praying and working for her release.

Today more than ever, our brothers and sisters need our support – and we hope you will help us get the word out here at ANS. We don’t bring you fake news. We bring you real news of happening around the world that you won’t read about elsewhere. These stories are presented with other stories of encouragement and inspiration.

Please Make A Generous Donation

Support ANS
Dan Wooding, founder of ANS, and his wife Norma, now live in the UK but continue to contribute to Assist News.

“Please make a generous donation to Assist News,” Dan recently wrote.  “Mercy Projects generously volunteers to handle our support and keep the news service going, but we need your support. And of course, thank you for your prayers during our time of health struggles.

Norma and I would like to thank you in advance. We pray you will help keep ASSIST News Service making a difference for those under persecution. We love bringing you these stories free-of-charge. We appreciate you very much and continue to pray for you all.”