Biblica Meeting ‘Bible Hunger’ in Cuba

Biblica provided these Bibles for the Winter Olympics in South Korea

Spanish-translation ministry and distributor welcomes ‘positive movements’ in serving country’s growing church

By Michael Ireland, Chief Correspondent, ASSIST News Service

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO (ANS – April 12, 2018) — Biblica (, the International Bible Society, is looking forward to more opportunities to make desperately needed Bibles available in Cuba, despite a setback.

Leaders of the Colorado Springs, Colo.-based ministry said that they hoped the return of a shipment of Spanish-language Bibles to island nation would be resolved soon, with further copies to be sent to support the growing church there.

mi Bibles provided by Biblicaon display in South Korea at the Winter Olympics 04 12 2018“We are eager to work directly with the Cuban government, and through our current ministry partnerships in Cuba,” said Stephen Cave, Biblica’s chief ministry officer. “We expect we will continue to see many people reached with the Bible which we know, when placed in people’s hands, has the power to change lives.”

Cave was speaking after recent reports that in December 2016 the Cuban government had turned away a vessel whose cargo included a shipment of 17,000 donated copies of Biblica’s Nueva Version International (NVI). Officials in the country have allowed distribution of an older Spanish translation that is less understandable for many present-day readers.

“We have seen positive movements allowing Bible distribution and more accessibility to Cuban believers and churches,” said Cave. “We are hopeful that this shipment of Bibles will get sorted out for distribution among those in need of Bibles in Cuba.”

First published in 1999, the contemporary NVI has proved widely popular in the Spanish-speaking world. Biblica has been commercially distributing the translation throughout Latin America through its publishing partners.

Biblica has also previously shipped thousands of donated Spanish Bibles to Cuba, and sponsoring church training seminars.

“There is a great hunger for God’s Word in Cuba, as in so many other countries, and we have been pleased to be able to play a part in making it available, and so helping build up the people there, and their country,” said Cave.

mi Biblica Logo 04 12 2018Biblica ( is committed to providing the Bible in accurate, contemporary translations and formats so that more people around the world may have the opportunity to be transformed by Jesus Christ. Copyright-holder of the best-selling New International Version, Biblica is involved in translation and publishing, distribution, and Bible engagement programs with hundreds of partner groups around the world.

ANS founder, Dan Wooding, is banned from Cuba by the government there, after they took exception to his reporting about persecuted Christians on the island.

Wooding has been there on three separate occasions, and on learning of the recent death of Fidel Castro’s oldest son  ( , said, “This is a very sad story. It must have been difficult for him to have been raised in this family, especially if he had learned the truth about the many acts of violence Fidel had committed over the years as he tried to hold onto power.”

Dan and Norma Wooding in CubaWooding continued: “Even though Fidel has left this world, the Christians there are still suffering for their faith. Please continue to pray for them, and also that soon freedom will come to this island-nation and especially to the believers there. Pray also for the Christians from America who regularly go to Cuba to bring love and aid to these special believers. I wish I could join them!”

Media Contact: Ty Mays, 770-256-8710,

Michael Ireland small useAbout the Writer: Michael Ireland is a volunteer internet journalist serving as Chief Correspondent for the ASSIST News Service, as well as an Ordained Minister, and an award-winning local cable-TV program host/producer who has served with ASSIST Ministries and written for ANS since its beginning in 1989. He has reported for ANS from Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Israel, Jordan, China, and Russia. You may follow Michael on Facebook at, and on Twitter at @Michael_ASSIST. Please consider helping Michael cover his expenses in bringing news of the Persecuted Church, by logging-on to:     

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