Open Doors partner, Pastor Nihad, asks for prayer for Beirut


Beirut, Lebanon (ANS) – Churches in Lebanon are requesting urgent prayer following the explosion that wiped out Beirut’s port on Tuesday 4 August, according to Open Doors UK & Ireland.

The charity reports the damage caused by the explosion will likely have a disastrous effect on the distribution of aid in the country, as well as the already-dire economic situation.

“The moment when the explosion happened, I was in my house,” says Pastor Nihad, an Open Doors partner who runs a church in Beirut. “Something like the shape of a mushroom appeared and it came in our direction – and, when it did, I got blown away with the air and the dirt and the debris.”

Open Doors Partner Pastor Nihad

Comforted by Psalm 91

In the midst of this dramatic event, Pastor Nihad was reminded of Psalm 91, particularly verse 14: “‘Because he loves me,’ says the Lord, ‘I will rescue him;   I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.’

Pastor Nihad’s church members prepare food packages to distribute to families.

Since the tragic event, Pastor Nihad has been taking food to those affected. Open Doors partners like Pastor Nihad will continue to help with prayer and practical support. Lebanon is also crucial to the support Open Doors partners provide to Syrian refugees in the region. Please keep praying for our local partners as they continue to provide spiritual and practical support to Syrian refugees in Lebanon and the wider region. This support is particularly vital in the face of acute food insecurity caused by the damaged port not being able to receive imports of basic necessities.

Pastor Nihad asks Open Doors supporters to keep praying for those affected – whether mourning, injured or whose houses have been damaged.

“The light been shocked and saddened by the devastating explosion in the port area of Beirut on Tuesday. The country is already on its knees due to ongoing political unrest, economic crisis and the coronavirus pandemic. The impact of this explosion will certainly make the situation worse; a lot of supplies came through the harbour that was destroyed, and not having it will increase food insecurity for everyone.”