Special Moments and Miracles

Hollywood legend, Rhonda Fleming

BOOK COVER For Claires book smallerLAKE FOREST, CA – “Special Moments and Miracles” is the latest inspiring book by prolific Scottish author, Claire Ollerton, who has been writing books for all ages since 1977 – which, including this one, now total 76.

The main themes of this most recent book by Claire are: Courage, Encouragement, Forgiveness and Hope, all gifts from God.

“I wrote this book mainly as a tribute to Mr. and Mrs. Darol Carlson [Rhonda Fleming]; however, on the December 1st 2017 — the day before the launch of the book — I was devastated to learn of the death of Mr. Darol Carlson and I immediately prayed for Rhonda,” said Claire.

Darol Carlson smaller“I went, with Jesus’ support, onto autopilot altering the necessary part of all the books, for the launch, in handwriting and I prayed that I would write the best tribute I could, but later, being dissatisfied with my handwritten version, I recalled the sold books, and with Jesus’ help, I updated the tribute so it is now printed in them as follows:

In loving memory of: Mr. Darol W. Carlson, a true Christian friend, who always was encouraging me and who has recently gone to live with Jesus in Heaven forevermore [and is therefore completely healed from his latest illness] It is also dedicated to: his wife: Rhonda Fleming Carlson, a continuing blessing, who introduced me to Dr. Charles Stanley and his Ministry: www.intouch.org which I recommend to you as it has blessed me.”

Claire also told me that many people didn’t know about Ms. Fleming’s life apart from the movies and another reason for the book being a tribute was that she knew that Ms. Fleming deserved an Oscar, which she has never had for her humanitarian work, and which Claire tried to get her nominated for one some years ago.

Claire Ollerton portrait smallerNorma and I were blessed when Ms. Ollerton, featured our story in the book, and explaining why, she said, “I first read Dan and Norma Wooding’s story in the ASSIST News Service (www.assistnews.net) and, after prayerful consideration, I knew it was right to re-publish it in my book as I know it will also encourage some of you who read the book as other items in it will also do.”

This book has something in it for the young to the young in heart — stories, special prayers, inspired recipes from the Czech Republic, Scotland, and other areas; songs — one of which is a tongue twister, something for children to make and a special surprise regarding another famous couple who live in Washington DC. It can be purchased via Amazon.com.

Rhonda 1 smaller Note: UK residents can also get hold of a copy of the book directly by contacting Claire Ollerton at info@steadfastministries.co.uk


Norma and Dan Wooding
Norma and Dan