Our Mission is To Inform, Educate, Inspire


Assist News Service was founded by Dan Wooding to inform, educate, inspire, publicizing the stories about all that God is doing in today’s culture. Assist News is a voice for the persecuted church and mobilizes Christian believers to pray and intervene on their behalf. Dan Wooding, a former tabloid journalist in London, has made it his life’s purpose to be a voice for the persecuted church. His team of writers also provide stories regarding the church and the involvement of Christian believers in all aspects of society. George Verwer, Christian statesman and founder of Operation Mobilisation, shares his experience with Assist News Service and how it continues to inform, educate, inspire his prayer time.

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Support ANS

Inform, Educate, Inspire

From a backstage film set in Hollywood to a remote village in India, Assist News brings you the stories that do not usually get publicized by other media outlets. We are thankful for your support as our team consider themselves “media missionaries” and depend on the generous support of fellow believers to bring these stories to the media. We are grateful for our partner Mercy Projects in Murrieta, California to handle our support and provide tax-deductible receipts for all donations of support.